Coronavirus (COVID-19)

I am writing in relation to the recent developments due to the COVID-19 (Coronavirus).

The MWFA, and indeed football nationally, through the FFA and Football NSW, has taken a “whole of football” stance on the way we move forward under what are fast-changing times.

For an issue this complex and far-reaching, we are following the instructions of the Federal Government, which is liaising with the FFA on a daily basis.

There is no doubt that the situation could change at any time but at present the considerations we should all take, outlined by the Federal Government and Prime Minister yesterday are as follows:

  1. Any person (whether an Australian citizen or not) that enters Australia now has to go onto a 14-day self-isolation period. If ANY player has travelled overseas and returned to Australia from Sunday evening, they MUST NOT attend training or games for 14 days.
  2. As a nation we are not moving into enforced isolation/shut down BUT we need to take a common sense approach to our social interactions.
  3. From Monday the Federal Government has confirmed that organised non-essential gatherings should be limited to 500 people. The Prime Minister went into detail about the differences between a gathering like a concert or major sporting event where you are in a confined space sitting right next to someone for a prolonged period of time as opposed to our training and match situations where people are on the move. THE FFA HAS TODAY CONFIRMED ALL COMMUNITY FOOTBALL CAN CONTINUE AT THIS STAGE.

This Tuesday we will be getting further advice from FFA and Football NSW in relation to the situation and will update you with advice on additional guidance to further improve social distancing at football fields around the country.

It is critical that if any player has come into close contact with anyone who has been identified as contracting COVID-19 virus, or they have indeed been diagnosed with the virus, that they self isolate and inform their club IMMEDIATELY.

We will continue to communicate directly to this group.

Feel free to call me if you have any questions.


David Mason

David Mason
Chief Executive Officer
Manly Warringah Football Association & Manly United Football Club
t. +61 2 9982 6228 | m. +61 438 243 195
s. 101 South Creek Road, Dee Why NSW 2099
p. PO Box 581, Dee Why NSW 2099